Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bryan, and Jaime respond to Ambrose

Betty ... please forward this all our membershipDear Jaime, Thanks ... for your letter in response to Ambrose's self serving letter to Betty ...It was a pleasure to read your creative words to one who just can'tseem to let go of his " Illusions of Grander."
Bryan Jones

Fellow teachers: AB: WHY are you doing ALL Teachers like this Ms. Miller. JV: Sorry Betty, but I feel neglected and discriminated. Didn't realize you were doing ALL teachers and I must have missed my chance, or I got bypassed!
AB: Furthermore, I have been recognized by the U.S. Congress as a Constitutional Scholar and only people with "Law" degrees are considered to have a better understanding of our Constitution - meaning the "lay" interpretations that ACT is creating to address the Constitution don't carry any weigth nor will the be considered as a "qualified" opinion. JV: Let's give our Constitutional Law expert what is due him. No Jeff, not the tomatoes! No, No, No. Not the soursops!!!The CNMI Constitution says: ... The governor shall appoint three nonvoting ex-officio members to the board of education: one member shall be a student attending a public school; one member shall be a representative of the nonpublic schools; and one member selected by an exclusive bargaining representative of the teachers within the department of education. I realize English is my second language so one must be forgiven if we miss the direct and nuanced meanings of the language, but by my reading, it is specific about the one's choosing - teachers - but does not say who the chosen one has to be nor it demands that it even has to be one of them! We'll skip the tirade and diatribe on Betty. But one who recommended himself to be retained seems to be serving his self-interest more than the one who was duly chosen by her peers. My humble opinion.
So please, AB, give us teachers a break, and just choose to be other than a bright donkey, for once. It is just that simple. Jaime VergaraSVES

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